Cleopatra and Antony: Couple Costume Idea

One of the star romantic couples of history, Cleopatra and Antony remain an enduring legend of love and tragedy. For a couple's costume for a fancy dress ball, costume party, dress-up event, masquerade or Halloween, a couple or friends can pair up as this famous couple.

Because of her reputation as powerful, exotic and seductive, a costume for this famous queen gives a woman an opportunity to make a bold statement with big jewelry, dramatic eye makeup and a form-fitting gown.
The brave and virile Mark Antony was a leader of men and played a key role in history. Men have the option of appearing in uniform or in civilian clothing, depending on the occasion. 

Costume tips for this famous couple can also help if you're making costumes for the couple for a play in a school or community theater.
Egypt Couple Costume

Ready-Made Mail Order Costumes

Ready-made costumes are often casual in their interpretation of garments for the famous pair, making use a of polyester or acrylic knit tunic and cape for a man's costume with faux leather accessories, such as vinyl, and the sort of gold braid available from fabric stores. Cleopatra costumes offer similar options, such as a nylon nightgown or polyester sheath dress with sequins. The size options and quality vary widely by manufacturer. As many people have discovered, one size does not fit all.

Tutankhamun Fashion and Makeup: Egypt's Boy-King Tut

Egypt's boy-king Tut had the finest cosmetics, unguents and perfumes available. His portraits show him wearing the striking eye makeup common to his time and place. The eyeliner defines his eyes and his eyebrows are often extended.

The famous funerary gold mask that covered his mummified face has eyebrows painted to extend as far as the lines of the eyeliner, creating parallel lines toward his temples. Artists then as now often created stylized images, so it isn't possible to know how close the mask or other portraits come to his actual appearance and makeup style. The young king probably wore lip color as well.

A cosmetic jar found in his tomb has a detailed carving of a lion on its lid, and still bore traces of resins from vegetables and animal fat, according to Zahi Hawass's book, Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs.

Tut, Egypt's boy-king
 A reconstruction of how the young king might have looked includes thick black eyeliner and large ear piercings. The boy king's fine features and full lips give him an androgynous appearance. He would have worn a wig over his shaved head.

Tut's History

Tutankhamun might not have been a particularly celebrated king if it wasn't for the discovery of his sealed tomb. The gold and skillfully-worked artifacts in his rich burial captured the world's imagination. He took the throne of Egypt at about age eight and died at 18. This New Kingdom ruler reigned in the 18th Dynasty, from c. 1332 to 1323. His reign seems to have been unremarkable.

He was the son of Akhenaten, the heretic pharaoh who may have been succeeded by his wife, Nefertiti. In 2008 Discovery News reported Hawass's find of an image and inscription in stone referring to Tut and his wife as children of Akhenaten. The discovery confirmed that the young king grew up in el Amarna. Pharaoh Akhenaten became infamous for overthrowing the pantheon of  Egyptian gods and introducing monotheism to Egypt.

In his own time, Tut might been best known for rejecting the heretical religious changes of Akhenaten and restoring the original gods to their former status. The boy-king married the third daughter of Akenaten and Nefertiti, Ankhsenpaaten, his half-sister.

The sight of gold in the sealed tomb captivated people from the moment it was opened in 1922 and still draws crowds to Tut exhibits. Because so many tombs have been looted throughout history, this was a rare find.

The tomb contained jewelry, furniture, statues, chariots, a royal nesting sarcophagus, the young king's mummy and other priceless artifacts. The chests that contained the royal wardrobe, from baby clothes to underwear, remained unexplored for decades. The young king's cosmetic supplies from the tomb have been included in books and exhibits.

Tutankhamun mummy mask
The legend of a curse associated with the tomb added to Tut's mystique. Inside the elaborate coffin, the detailed gold mask rested over the face of the young king's mummy. The mummies of two fetuses believed to be stillborn children of the boy king were also found in the tomb and toured with the Tut exhibit.

Art from his time shows him with bronze skin, even, attractive features, dark eyes and a medium build. Based on reconstructions of garments found in his tomb, the young king had a 31-inch chest, 29-inch waist and 43-inch hips, the Guardian reported.  These measurement indicate he had the same wide-hipped figure Akhenaten appears to have had, based on images from the time.

Tut's Fashion and Makeup

In accordance with the ancient Egypt fashion for men, Tut wore artfully applied makeup. Kohl surrounded the boy king's eyes from the inner corner of the upper and lower lid with the eyeliner extending at least a half inch from the outer corner of each eye in a single line, based on images of him from his lifetime in Zahi Hawass' "Tutankamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs."

Ancient Egyptian Magic: Amulets and Symbolism in Clothing and Jewelry

The Egyptians used amulets for protection and often displayed and wore images of various gods and goddesses. During most of ancient Egypt's long history it was a pantheistic culture, worshiping many gods. Each of these deities had a specific image and characteristics, such as Isis with her wings, Bet with the head of a cat, Anubis the jackal-headed god and Ptah, who often sports an erect phallus.

Amulets and Symbolism

Children, women and men wore amulets in life and in death. Necklaces, rings, earrings, brooches, crowns, circlets, bracelets, wrist bands, arm bands and wide jeweled collars often displayed images of gods and goddesses. They used specific symbols, such as the scarab and the ankh, for protective purposes on jewelry, clothing and accessories.

Embalmers wrapped amulets in the wrappings for the dead, creating the distinctive mummies that continue to fascinate museum goers and students of Egyptology to this day. Among the more bizarre forms this fascination took was the practice of grinding up mummies for medicine in the Victorian era.